Luke 14:23 So his Master said, 'Go out into the country lanes and behind the hedges and urge anyone you find to come, so that the house will be full.'

Bear Creek School of Ministry

Bear Creek School of Ministry Intern Program Application

Fall class starts Tuesday, August 6th. Come as a guest, Check us out and learn more. If you have any questions, you may also contact Larry Peterson at (951) 609-4455.

Please answer the following questions:

* not required for returning students

Our calling is to raise up mature believers to plant churches here and abroad.

To Teach the world of God, and give hope to a world that is turning hopeless.

On Winter Break

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

See you in 2025!

Calvary  Chapel  Bear Creek

School of Ministry 

– Spring 2025 –


Pastor Larry Peterson 

(951) 609-4455   

Pastor Rob Ingram




Plus other Special Guests Speakers                                                                      



Calvary Chapel Bear Creek – 34862 Monte Vista Dr, St 105-106. Wildomar, CA 92595

Class times: Tuesday’s 6:30-8:30




This class will focus on teaching the basics of church planting and basic theology. Each one of these male students and/or wives, must have a desire to be sent out some time in the future by this local church as a Calvary Chapel Church planter. The students are also required to be involved in a weekly service ministry EVERY WEEK at CCBC, along with faithfully sitting in and taking notes on a weekend service! Interested students, this is a 2 year commitment and you must also have the approval and recommendation of Pastor Larry or Pastor Rob to enroll in this course.


This class is designed to continue to train up and equip Perspective Calvary Chapel Church Planters and their wives. Those that complete 4 semesters of the class, will be evaluated and if you meet the standards of the church board, you graduate with a Calvary Chapel Church Planting Program certificate. QUALIFYING STUDENTS will then be ordained and sent out by and under the authority of CCBC.


LISTENING TO STEVE PRICE REVELATION SERIES, or FOR THOSE INTERESTED HOW TO TEACH BI-LINGUAL – MIKE VINCENT THROUGH THE BIBLE SERMON SERIES and CALVARY CHAPEL DISTINCTION SERIES FOR ALL STUDENTS!– Pastor Steve Price Revelation Series (45 sermons- (3 per month). Or for those wanting to learn how to give bi-lingual messages, Mike Vincent! (2 1/2 sermons per week! 150 sermons) 75 due at the end of the 3rd semester: These notes are to be ½ to 1 page summary (taking notes) on each sermon! In addition, The Calvary Distinctions given in books that will be provided we will require your notes on these distinctions will be due at end of 1st semester: (25% of total grade)


Sermon Websites?

Revelation Series:

Mike Vincent Series:

  • Attending and Participating in the weekly Church planting classes and having your weekly sermon prepared and preached. (25% of total grade)

  • Weekly attendance and serving at our weekend services at the church. You are required to #1- be serving in a ministry every week at CCBC, #2-also sitting in on a main service and taking notes every weekend on our CCBC Sermons and #3 you will attend the Saturday Major Bible Themes lessons. You will turn in your
    sermon notes at the end of the semester! (25% of total grade)

  • Written Summaries of the classes/lectures by the church planting course instructors. (25% of total grade) – You will be writing a (minimum) one page summary of each course/lecture that you attend or the worksheet provided. You will be putting these written summaries in your Church Planting Bible College Notebook.

  • Future Church Planters must lead a Weekly SUCCESSFUL CCBC Bible Study or Life Group for a minimum of 1 year before they are sent out! 


Church Planting- Class Schedule\ Teaching texts

Special NOTE: The texts and TYPE OF TEACHING are located next to the dates that THEY WILL BE TAUGHT!!!)

  • 2nd-YEAR STUDENTS: TEACHING FROM AN OULINE! ONCE PER MONTH, students will do their live teaching USING ONLY AN OUTLINE! This will encourage Bible teachers to STOP READING and develop a VARIETY of teaching styles! 

  • GOSPEL! If you finish your sermon more than 2 minutes early, you will be asked to present the gospel and give an invitation!  (2 minutes max, faith, repentance, and an opportunity to respond) 

  • POINTS! You will be required to use points in your sermon every week! When you use points, you should mention the subject in your introduction and then your points in the body of the sermon! Remember, points are THE BRIDGE between the teaching and the application!   

  • SERMONS! 15 minutes with an interesting introduction mentioning the title and text, your points, and using #1- humor and #2- a short/personal story, are a plus, and then teaching verse by verse through the text! (Read, Teach, Apply)  



  • JAN 28 – No teaching – Introduction plus Q & A by Pastor Larry


  • February 4 – James 1:1-4 (Teacher: Pastor Larry)

  • February 11 – James 1:5-8 (Teacher: Pastor Larry)

  • February 18 – James 1:9-12 (Teacher: Pastor Rob) 2nd Year Students teach from Outline

  • February 25 – No Teaching NO CLASS- off to catch up on your work!


  • March 4 – James 1:13-15 (Teacher: Pastor Larry)

  • March 11 – James 1:16-18 (Teacher: Pastor Rob)

  • March 18 – James 1:19-21 (Teacher: Pastor Larry) 2nd Year Students teach from Outline.

  • March 25 – No Teaching NO CLASS- off to catch up on your work!


  • April 1 – James 1:22-25 (Teacher: Pastor Rob)

  • April 8 – James 2:1-7 (Teacher: Pastor Larry)

  • April 15 – James 2:14-19 (Teacher: Pastor Rob)

  • April 22 – No Teaching NO CLASS- to catch up on your work!

  • April 29 – James 3:7-12 (Teacher Pastor Larry) 2nd Year Students teach from Outline.


  • May 6 – James 3:13-18 (Teacher: Pastor Rob)

  • May 13 – Topical Message: “What can we learn from Gideon’s Faith?” (Teacher: Pastor Larry)

  • May 20 – James 4:1-6 DINNER-THEN TEACHING. 2nd Year Students teach from Outline.

Dried Up

God blesses us wit provisions daily, whether we recognize them or not.
Sometimes the provisions God gives us dry up. Maybe a car breaks down, a
job is lost, or a tree falls on your house. The important thing to remember is
to not panic. God will make a new way. This is not the time to question
God’s goodness because the brook dried up. It is the time to trust that God
will show you His love for you by preparing a new source of provision.

-1 Kings 17:7

Taken from Daily Bible Devotion