
How much better to get wisdom than gold! To get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver. Proverbs 16:16

Please check back frequently as we'll be adding resources throughout the year.

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Prophecy Update

Join Pastor Dave Burill & Sam Ritchie for the latest prophecy update.
(updated 8/23/23)


Book of John

Join Pastor Robert Ingram in this Book of John Video series.
(updated 8/20/23)


Revelation Series

Join Pastor Steve Price in this Revelation Audio series.
(updated Dec 2019)

MARK 16:11 (NASB)

11  When they heard that He was alive and had been seen by her, they refused to believe it.

The tomb was empty. The stone was rolled away. And Jesus—who had triumphed over hell and the grave—had risen to life again.

They should have anticipated His resurrection. Hadn’t He told them over and over again that He would be crucified, but that He would rise again on the third day? You would think on that third day they would have been exhilarated and waiting with anticipation. But when Mary comes to them with the life-changing news, they don’t believe her. Doubt keeps them in tears. And they continue mourning for One who was no longer in the grave.

Unbelief brings tragedy.

Adam did not believe God’s statement, so he ate the fruit and brought sin and death into the world. The people in Noah’s day did not believe his warnings, so the flood came and they were destroyed. Because the children of Israel did not believe that God would drive out the inhabitants of the land, they perished in the wilderness.

What is unbelief costing you today—peace of mind? A joyful heart? Are you fretting over circumstances or because you feel your life is out of control, even though Scripture tells you not to worry? Are you disbelieving God’s promises, God’s power, and God’s love for you?

May God give us faith to trust and believe—regardless of the circumstances, regardless of our feelings.

Father, give us the faith to rely on Your promises and Your character, knowing that You are sovereign, mighty, powerful, and loving. Remind us daily that You are still on the throne.

In Jesus’ name, amen.