Would you like more information on becoming involved in our Homeless Ministry?
Thank you for reaching out to us here at Calvary Chapel Bear Creek. You can reach us by phone, fax or via the form below.
Thank you for reaching out to us here at Calvary Chapel Bear Creek. You can reach us by phone, fax or via the form below.
- Riverside County has the second-largest homeless population in California, with an estimated 2,811 people experiencing homelessness on any given night in 2020.
- The number of people experiencing homelessness in Riverside County has increased in recent years, with a 20% increase from 2019 to 2020.
- The city of Riverside has the largest homeless population in the county, with an estimated 450 people experiencing homelessness in 2020.
- Homelessness in Riverside County is mostly concentrated in the cities of Riverside, Indio, and Palm Springs.
- The causes of homelessness in Riverside County are varied and complex, including factors such as poverty, lack of affordable housing, mental illness, substance abuse, and domestic violence.
- The county has implemented several initiatives to address homelessness, including the creation of a Homeless Solutions Center and the development of a coordinated entry system to connect people experiencing homelessness with services and housing.
Clothing: New or gently used clothing such as coats, jackets, hats, gloves, socks, and shoes are always needed. It’s important to consider the weather and season when donating clothing.
Toiletries: Basic hygiene items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, deodorant, and feminine hygiene products are essential for the homeless.
Food: Non-perishable food items such as canned goods, granola bars, and bottled water are always appreciated. Consider donating items that do not require cooking or refrigeration.
Bedding: Sleeping bags, blankets, and pillows are important for those who are sleeping on the streets.
Personal care items: Items such as sunscreen, insect repellent, and lip balm can help protect the homeless from the elements.
First aid supplies: Basic first aid supplies such as bandages, antiseptic, and pain relievers can help the homeless tend to minor injuries.
Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.
— 1 John 3:2
Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.
— 1 John 3:2
BECAUSE WE ARE His children, God has a glorious future in store for us. As His Word tells us, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9).
Jesus prayed that we would share His kingdom with Him. “Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me” (John 17:24).
When we leave this body and begin our life with God, He will reveal the depths, riches, and fullness of His love—a love so great it will take all of eternity to comprehend. And even then, I don’t believe we will be able to fully fathom the totality of His love.
We will dwell in the glorious light of His presence and live forever in His kingdom, discovering day-by-day, year-by-year, eon-by-eon, the richness of His love, grace, and mercy towards us.
“Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!” (1 John 3:1). How blessed we are to be His!
Father, we look forward to that eternal kingdom when You reveal the richness of Your grace, love, and mercy through Jesus Christ.
In His Name we pray, Amen.