Dating & Marriage Counseling

 "let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:18

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Building Foundations For A Godly Marriage: A Pre-Marriage, Marriage Counseling Study

By Gregory Brown

The Husband Must Submit to Christ’s Leadership

First Corinthians 11:3 says: “Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.”

In this verse, we see the divine prerogative: Christ submits to God, the man submits to Christ, and the woman submits to man. If the husband is going to lead his wife according to God’s design, he must first submit to Christ. It is for this reason that a wife must submit to her husband, for when she is following her husband, she is really submitting to Christ’s delegated authority. 

This brings a grave responsibility to each husband to know Christ’s leading. He must truly be somebody who abides in God’s Word and prayer so that he can discern God’s voice. The man considering marriage should ask himself, “Am I pursuing the Lord in such a way that I can know his voice in order to lovingly lead a wife and a family?” It has commonly been said, “Only those who are near, hear.” The husband must be near Christ, his head, to hear his voice. Only the husband who is near Christ will be able to model Christ and lead properly. 

This is also important for single women to hear and consider because not every man is spiritually fit for leadership. They should ask themselves about a potential husband, “Does this man love Christ? Is this man following Christ? Is he spiritually fit to lead?” One can be sure that if a single man is not faithful in following Christ, he will not be faithful when married. Scripture says that he who is unfaithful with little, will be unfaithful with much (Luke 16:10, paraphrase). Husbands must continually be submitting to the leadership of Christ in order to properly lead their homes.

The Wife Must Submit to Christ’s Leadership

Again, Ephesians 5:22 says, “Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.” Not only does this teach that wives must submit to their husbands, but the implication is that they must first submit to the Lord. The husband is just a representation of Christ’s leadership, no matter how frail that representation may be. It is in submitting to Christ,

abiding in his Word, and loving him that the wife will find the ability to submit to her husband. This will be especially true in dealing with a husband who doesn’t know the Lord or who is far from him. First Peter 3:1-2 says this:

Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives.

The husband’s leadership applies even when he isn’t following God. In that case, the wife’s submission to Christ is even more important. By submitting to Christ, she will find ability to love and submit to a difficult husband and this submission may bring transformation and even salvation to his life. However, this is only possible when the wife is submitting to the Lord. Jesus said in John 15:5, “Abide in me and you will produce much fruit” (paraphrase). The ability to love, to have peace, to have patience, to forgive, etc., all comes from God. 

The single woman considering marriage must ask herself, “Am I daily submitting to the Lord’s leadership so I can faithfully submit to my husband’s leadership?” This daily submission to the Lord prepares a woman for marriage. 

Also, the single man considering marrying a female must ask, “How is her submission? Does she faithfully submit to the Lord? Is she faithful in church attendance, daily devotion, and service to God?” For if she does not submit to the greater, the Lord, then she will not submit to the lesser, her husband. A wise man will consider a woman’s obedience to God when seeking a wife. God has called for the wife to first submit to Christ so she can faithfully respect and submit to her husband.

What should I look for in a husband?

This is no easy question to answer, yet it is an important one. The following list of what to look for in a husband is clearly selective and by no means exhaustive. But these factors make an excellent beginning to a checklist. Here are the top six things women should look for in a potential husband.

  • The man should be committed to growing in his relationship with Christ.
  • A husband should be an individual of obvious integrity.
  • A husband should be able to lead boldly.
  • A husband should display the ability to love sacrificially.
  • A husband should be able to laugh heartily.
  • A husband should model genuine humility.


This list was adapted from Lasting Love: How to avoid marital failure by Alistair Begg, who is the senior pastor of Parkside Church in Cleveland, Ohio.

MARK 16:11 (NASB)

11  When they heard that He was alive and had been seen by her, they refused to believe it.

The tomb was empty. The stone was rolled away. And Jesus—who had triumphed over hell and the grave—had risen to life again.

They should have anticipated His resurrection. Hadn’t He told them over and over again that He would be crucified, but that He would rise again on the third day? You would think on that third day they would have been exhilarated and waiting with anticipation. But when Mary comes to them with the life-changing news, they don’t believe her. Doubt keeps them in tears. And they continue mourning for One who was no longer in the grave.

Unbelief brings tragedy.

Adam did not believe God’s statement, so he ate the fruit and brought sin and death into the world. The people in Noah’s day did not believe his warnings, so the flood came and they were destroyed. Because the children of Israel did not believe that God would drive out the inhabitants of the land, they perished in the wilderness.

What is unbelief costing you today—peace of mind? A joyful heart? Are you fretting over circumstances or because you feel your life is out of control, even though Scripture tells you not to worry? Are you disbelieving God’s promises, God’s power, and God’s love for you?

May God give us faith to trust and believe—regardless of the circumstances, regardless of our feelings.

Father, give us the faith to rely on Your promises and Your character, knowing that You are sovereign, mighty, powerful, and loving. Remind us daily that You are still on the throne.

In Jesus’ name, amen.